Hello fags it's been a while! Now that it is finals time I am back to talk with you all about some fashion. As the weather gets warmer I like thinking about sparkles and pastels since Easter passed and Jesus apparently likes pastel colors with his resurrection. So first let's talk about sparkles as seen here:

She loves sparkles! Everyone should wear sparkles because they are definitely a flag for being gay. Can't you tell she's a dyke? Smear some on your chest, eyes, cheeks, tits, thighs everywhere that should be highlighted! Sparkles say "LOOK AT ME!!!"
And now here are some pastel cats, think about their colors when getting dressed:

And consider adding some pastel fur into your wardrobe like Lucy Lui has. She looks fab! The baby blue fur begs to be touched and looks faggy.

Even a small accent of pastel socks with your underwear, heels, and sketchy motel room makes for a great outfit:

Pastel dead flowers for your room!

Tiny pastel pink sweaters to wear when crying over your ex. Doesn't life feel better when you are wearing cute colors?

This is a really good band too even though I don't think she's gay.
Maybe that's why she's crying.